Matthew Gray Gubler / Dr.Spencer Reid
Matthew Gray Gubler,馬修葛雷高布勒。(右邊笑得很傻的那個,就跟你說是右邊,不要問我左邊是誰嘛厚!)
上面這是CM演員坐的椅子,每個人都有專屬的一張,椅背上有寫名字。這小孩真的很愛他的名字,而且從上面這張照片就能看得出他還很堅持要寫全名。怎麼說呢?因為他自己親口承認會在任何一個可以寫字的地方寫上自己的姓(包括有點自戀,他自己說的),例如在CM S1 DVD花絮專訪中他手裡捧的那個白色附底座的馬克杯,上面寫了個"G"。
1980年出生的Las Vegas男孩。畢業於紐約大學,2002年拿到電影學博士學位。
Status: Single
Orientation: Straight
Hometown: LAS VEGAS
Body type: 6' 1" / Slim / Slender
(體態:6尺1吋[185cm] / 單薄 / 纖細 )
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Smoke / Drink: No / No
Children: Someday
Education: Post grad
Occupation: Magician
[所以演員、導演、攝影、編劇、畫家跟模特兒(是的,LV、Marc Jacobs和Burberry)都是兼職就對了……]

Status: Single
Orientation: Straight
Hometown: LAS VEGAS
Body type: 6' 1" / Slim / Slender
(體態:6尺1吋[185cm] / 單薄 / 纖細 )
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Smoke / Drink: No / No
Children: Someday
Education: Post grad
Occupation: Magician
[所以演員、導演、攝影、編劇、畫家跟模特兒(是的,LV、Marc Jacobs和Burberry)都是兼職就對了……]

這個小孩也算很認真,基本上每天都會去自己的myspace(as official as it gets 說多官方就有多官方)晃一下。照片和音樂也換得很勤奮。(但是要小心不要被他的照片嚇到,這小孩有時不按牌理出牌,開起玩笑來那些照片根本看不出是個star)唔,聽說如果寫信給他的話,他會回你;但是,因為我膽子小、臉皮薄,所以沒寫過。有興趣的人可以試試,要是收到回信的話……要跟我說哦!;P


因為某人說他自己如果穿同一色的襪子的話,一定會扭到腳。在'05的某一天,他心血來潮再穿了一次,結果屢試不爽,又扭到腳了,從此便放棄了這個念頭。所以,有圖為證!(聽說飾演Elle的Lola Glaudini還曾特地送他一雙本來就不成對的襪子呢!)
什麼都玩,什麼都碰,甚至自己出資拍攝了【Matthew Gray Gubler:The AUTHORIZED Documentary】系列,
這是Episode1。那個鬈髮的小男生是飾演CM裡一個擔心自己有殺人傾向的少年,Nathan。(不要以為MGG真的那麼自戀啦,這個系列的影片開玩笑的成分居多;說真的,跟他夠熟的人他才敢這樣玩,像Episode2裡還狂開Shemar[Morgan]的玩笑XD)Anyway, why so serious? XD

至於他所飾演的Dr.Spenser Reid呢,則是CM裡人見人愛、花見花開、狗見狗吠的天才小孩。啥?最後一句不對?你看看……
Man: Sandy, no, no, no. I'm so sorry.
Hotch: No, it's OK. It's what we call the Reid effect. Happens with children, too.
Hotch: This is special agent Dr. Reid.
Man: You look too young to have gone to medical school.
Reid: They're Ph.Ds. 3 of them.
Man (surprised): Are you a genius or something?
Reid: I don't believe that intelligence can be accurately quantified, but I do have an I.Q. Of 187 and an eidetic memory and can read 20,000 words per minute.
Man: …... (silence)
Reid: Yes, I'm a genius
有人說他是個走路怪怪的、說話怪怪的、動作怪怪的、造型怪怪的,做什麼都怪怪的傢伙。(噗)看到他穿防彈衣的樣子不會覺得很帥,反而覺得很好笑+可愛!XD 就算配槍,可能也因為太瘦了,所以沒什麼架式。

Morgan: We've got a woman who's only got a few hours left to live, an incomplete profile, and a unit chief on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
Reid: They don't call them nervous breakdowns anymore. It's called a major depressive episode.
Morgan: I know, Reid.
Gideon: Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
Morgan: …
Reid: Samuel Beckett
(Samuel Beckett(當代著名荒誕作家)).
Morgan: Try not. Do or do not.
Gideon: …
Reid: Yoda.
3、 Hotch和Reid前往化學實驗室向學生們瞭解情況。
Hotch: Reid. Since you're more their age, why don't you do the talking?
Reid: Ahem. Hi--hi, guys. Uh, my name's, uh, Dr. Spencer Reid. I'm a, uh, agent with the--the BAU, the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI, which, um, it used to be called the BSU, the behavioral science unit, but not anymore. They changed it to the BAU. Um, it's part of the NCAVC, the National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime, which is also part of this thing called the CIRG, the Critical Incident Response Group, and—
(啊呵,嗨,夥計們,呃,我是,呃,Spencer Reid博士,我是,呃,那個,BAU的探員,就是FBI的行為分析部,以前,呃,以前叫做BSU的,行爲科學部,但現在改了,叫BAU了,呃,它也是NCAVC的組成部分——就是國家暴力犯罪分析中心——這個是CIRG的組成部分——也就是緊急事件反應分隊——然後——)
Hotch: what he's trying to say is we'd love to know how you can help us.
4、 Garcia處理完錄音後給Morgan回電。
Garcia: Ok, gorgeous, I've put this thing through every audio filter I've got. There's only one thing I can tell you for sure. This guy isn't saying "Karen." It's more like "ka-rown."
Morgan: Garcia, what the hell is “ka-rown”?
Garcia: If I figure it out, does it earn me a night of passionate lovemaking?
Morgan: Most definitely, sweetness... with Reid. Bye.
5、 隊員們沖進UNSUB的家,發現家裏佈置得異常詭異恐怖。
Morgan: Oh, you gotta be kidding me. OCD? I'm thinking more like OMG.
Reid: OMG? Object Management Group?
Morgan: Oh My God.

6、Reid: Hotch, I was a twelve year old child prodigy in a Las Vegas public high school. You kick like a nine year old girl.
( Hotch,我可是個12歲就要在Las Vegas公立高中求生存的小孩。你踢人的力道跟個9歲小姑娘一樣。)
Reid: Look at me. Without a gun on my belt, I look like a teacher's assistant.
Hotch: Nice shot.
Reid: I was aiming for his leg.
9、Reid: I don't know everything. I mean, despite the fact that you think that I do.
Morgan: I never said that. When have I ever said that?
Reid: Every day since I met you.
Elle: This morning at breakfast.
Hotch: Yesterday when he beat you at cards.
Morgan: Anybody ever heard of sarcasm?
All The Others: M-hem.
10、John Blackwolf: Samuel, tell the men from the FBI who the Ga'he are.
Reid: The Ga'he are mighty spirits who dwell in desert caves.
Hotchner: Reid, is your name Samuel?
Reid: Sorry.
11、John Blackwolf: (to Gideon) You look like a college professor. (to Reid) You look like his student. (to Hotch) You…You look like a FBI.
12、Reid: Are you hacking into the government's HMO database? Is that legal?
(你是在入侵政府健康維護組織(Health Maintenance Organization)的資料庫嗎?這合法嗎?)
Garcia: 'Course not. We'll go to prison, and you'll be someone's bitch.
Reid: Really? (fascinated)
Reid: Do you think it's weird that I knew that ballad?
Elle: Reid, I don't know how you know half the things you know, but I'm glad you do.
Reid: Do you think it's why I can't get a date?
Elle: Have you ever ask anyone out?
Reid (shifty eyes): No.
Elle: THAT's why you can't get a date.

14、 Morgan和Reid在蹲點。中午快到了,Morgan開始很煩躁。
Morgan: God, I hate not having a plan. We're looking for a needle in a haystack here.
Reid: Actually, it's more like we're looking for a needle in a pile of needles.
Morgan: What?
Reid: A needle would stand out in a haystack.
15、Reid: We need some butts rushed to the lab for DNA analysis.
Garcia: Oh, Reid. I love it when you say 'butts.'
16、REID: Well, he's obviously been here before and left these ... ‘gifts’ for her.
PRENTISS: How romantic.
HOTCHNER: His version of romance.
PRENTISS: What--are you trying to say? You think he keeps coming back here because he's in love with her?
REID: That's impossible. A sexual sadist can't feel love.
HOTCHNER: Well, define love.
REID: Chemically, it involves surging brain elements called monoamines, dopamines, norepinephrine, and serotonin. Love chemicals controlled by phenethylamine, Also found in--
PRENTISS: Chocolate. I love chocolate.
REID: Peas, too! It's also found in peas!
REID: Indeed, some veritable--
HOTCHNER: Reid, stop. Please.
16、Prentiss: How'd you guys do?
Hotchner: Well, Reid got propositioned by every prostitute we talked to…
17、Reid: You should have listened to me.
Morgan: It wouldn't have saved that much time, Reid, let it go.
Reid: The interchange between the 405 and the 101 freeways is consistently rated the worst interchange in the entire world.
Morgan: Why do you know that?
Reid: The government report.
Morgan: So what?
Reid: So you work for the government, you don't read the reports?
Morgan: On traffic patterns in a city 2,500 miles from where I live?
Reid: 2,295 miles.
Morgan: Don't make me smack you in front of all these people
Everybody LOVES Reid!!
好啦,看完以上這些有沒有大概勾勒出咱Spencer Reid博士是個怎麼樣的孩子呢?

Reid: Do you know why he (Gideon) always introduces me as Dr. Reid?
Hotch: Because he knows that people see you as a kid, and he wants to make sure that they respect you.
2008.8.7 吳建豪生日竟然我在HC別人,真有點罪惡感
4 feedback:
fabulous article about MGG & Dr Reid!
glad you like it! :)
I really like how you wrote about Reid =D
....I should have found this post earlier D:
btw, RID<< LOL, that's a good one
I thought I'm the only one loves to watch Reid in danger XDD
Love it
LOL it's alright; Ican handle them, your posts.
well, everybody LOVEs Reid!(in danger)
Both the actor and the character are interesting and adorable. :)