
Mads Langer, Oh Land and Loick Essien -- A Journey in Sound




Your music saved my soul. It cures my broken heart over and over, again and again, through your lyrics, your songs, and your voice.


在台灣,喜歡一個正要崛起的丹麥歌手有多困難?Mads的歌並不朗朗上口,也絕對不會像Lady Gaga那樣迅速刮起旋風;那不是他。而不會擁有廣大市場也同樣代表著他來台灣的機率近似於零。我幾乎不敢奢望我能夠有一天親臨他的演唱會,聽他在台上演唱他的歌,撥動他的吉他絃,就像先前每一次那樣打動我的心。


28th Aug.
Coubertinplatz / Olympiapark







◎ 暢銷影集【噬血Y世代The Vampire Diaries】高詢問度插曲〈Beauty Of The Dark〉原唱,並收錄同影集全新插曲〈The River Has Run Wild〉
◎ 收錄重新詮釋英倫Trip-Hop名團Olive〈You’re Not Alone〉
◎ 重量級製作人Martin Terefe(KT Tunstall、Jason Mraz)跨刀、力薦
◎ 歐洲空運來台;同名專輯《Mads Langer》獲得丹麥50萬張金唱片亮眼成績

He comes to you in twilight, out of a drifter, with a guitar on his back.

There are some voices so special that the first time you hear it, it’s like clouds dancing through your mind. The second time you hear it, it’s like water soaking into your vein, and finally when it reaches your heart, you realize that you want to treasure this voice, not willing to share with anyone any more.

沉澱兩年,收斂首張專輯《Attention Please》的躁動,蛻去同名專輯《Mads Langer》的憂鬱,Mads Langer帶著嶄新的自己,走上了世界舞台。十八歲離家,從一座城市到另一座城市,輾轉橫越了半個地球,這一段又一段旅程的顛簸注定了Mads音樂中那股不濃厚卻也不願輕易散去的流浪氣息,「如果我生在中古,必定會是個遊走各方的吟遊詩人,唱頌一個又一個傳說。」曾經Mads如此為自己留下註腳;對於這個出身北國丹麥小鎮Skive的男孩而言,音樂不只是他講述故事的途徑,更是他用以探索世界的方式。
Collecting the restlessness of ‘Attention Please,’ leaving the sadness from ‘Mads Langer,’ he steps on the world stage with a brand new self after two years of calming-down. He leaves home at the age of 18, traveling from one city to another, drifting across half of the planet. These trips breed the feeling of roving in his music. “"If I had lived in the faraway past, I would surely have been a wandering troubadour who told tales through my songs.” This was how he described himself. For a boy from a small town Skive, Denmark, Mads consider music more than a way of telling story but ‘the navigational instrument I use to make my way through life.’

《Behold》是Mads Langer找回自我後重新出發的起點,不再為了搖滾星夢寫歌、不再為了舞台創作,Mads將重心放回音樂,把自己託付給直覺,由靈感為他領路。摧毀之後重建,第一首〈I’m Leaving〉以輕快的吉他引領你與他一同拋棄過去,在晨曦中新生,讓音樂流洩而入,接著〈The River Has Run Wild〉宛若水流的旋律開場,隨著起伏加入的鼓聲彷彿水波逐漸翻騰──直到你被拋入大海與他一起漂零;曲調輕鬆的〈Microscope〉淡化了歌詞的惆悵,在嘴角勾勒出一個又苦又甜的微笑;現實與幻想間的矛盾揉合成〈Fact-Fiction〉,當兩者的界線逐漸模糊,最後在Mads高亢的歌聲中夢醒破碎,而美好餘韻猶存;輕快甜美的鋼琴聲帶出〈I Love You〉,一掃所有哀傷陰霾,適合在早晨拉開窗簾迎向一天日光時跟著一同輕輕哼唱;最後一曲〈Death Has Fallen In Love〉,Mads依舊選擇了熟悉的吉他,輔以鋼琴豐富了音樂層次,時而安恬時而飽滿的樂聲安撫了不安的靈魂,直到最後一個音符,你仍和他一同陶醉在生命的美麗之中。
Mads Langer started his new journey with ‘Behold’ as the beginning. He stopped composing for fame and the stage, putting his focus on music. He gave himself to the instinct, letting the inspiration lead the way. ‘I’m Leaving’ starts the album with a reborn after destruction. It breaks the past, taking you to feel alive again in the bath of sunrise. You leave with him, into a new perspective to the world. ‘The River Has Run Wild’ comes next, accompanied with drums like waves, rolling and tossing you into ocean to see if you drawn with him. The easy rhyme of ‘Microscope’ dilutes the heaviness of the song and makes a bitter-sweet curl around the corner of your lips. Swinging between fact and fiction, ‘Fact-Fiction’ blurs the border and Mads’s voice breaks the dream and you awake to the real with trembling from the dream. The joyful guitar leads out ‘I Love You,’ chasing the sadness away and greeting a good new day with you. In the last song ‘Death Has Fallen In Love,’ Mads sings with his guitar and the piano, easing your anxious soul through the quiet sound. You are fascinated with the beauty of live with him till the last note.

他的誕生與呼吸都是為了音樂而存在;他是Mads Langer,帶著滿懷溫柔、詩意與他的吉他走來,陪伴你度過每一個寂寞的時刻。
He lives and breathes for music. He is Mads Langer. He comes to you with his gentleness and grace to accompany you through every lonely moment.

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